Using Solar Power will save you money! Most of us are always looking for ways to get more bang for our buck around the home. Utility costs can be tricky though, particularly when it comes to electricity. Installing solar system may be the solution.
Many people in areas of Queensland and Northern New South Wales only have one provider to “choose” form, and even those who can benefit from competition are still at the mercy of unregulated rate increases. While there are certainly things we can do to help lower our overall electricity consumption, it doesn’t necessarily translate to big savings on our bills.
Unlike your mobile phone or internet provider where it’s possible to negotiate better deals, when it comes to grid electricity your only real options other than adjusting your consumption are to use off peak tariffs that can save you money, but also mean that you literally can’t use appliances like air conditioners during specified times.
If you’re dutifully turning appliances off at the wall, have your heating and cooling appliances set to “smart power” recommended temperatures and doing everything in your power to have a lower electricity bill but still paying high prices, it might be time to seriously consider solar.
Solar Offers Guaranteed Electricity Prices
When you install solar electricity, you and your nominated electricity provider lock in the price you’ll pay for your power for a set period of time. An appropriately sized and configured solar system will also work with you to bring down your electricity costs.
OTI Power have industry leading power system modelling tools that we use to predict potential savings for customers. We make installation recommendations based on the solar system that is best for your property, taking into account factors like your roof type and aspect as well as your household’s average energy consumption to ensure that you stand to save as much as possible.
“Our bill for that quarter previously was over $1800 and have just paid a bill for the same quarter which was just over $500. Very professional and install was no problem. Would definitely recommend OTI Power for Solar” – Greg, residential customer.
OTI Power get just as excited as you do when we see the savings on your electricity bills. We also check that everything is working as it should and will make tweaks if necessary to maximise your electricity bill saving potential.
“We decided to proceed with OTI Power’s recommendation, paying for a mid-range system. The installation was prompt and my power bills reduced by more than what OTI Power suggested. Not only that, they followed up over the next 6 months a few times to ensure we were happy with how the system was performing” – Geoff, residential customer.
Read further testimonials from our customers here.
There Are Some Great Incentives Available
Supply and installation costs vary depending on the type of solar system installed at your property. The Australian Government’s Small Technology Certificate (STC) scheme can save you thousands off the cost of installation, and there may be other local, state or federal government incentives available too.
OTI Power have been installing residential and commercial solar systems since 2009, so are experienced in helping you to interpret and understand the various offers, incentives and options you may be eligible for.
You may even be able to make money off your solar system – in some areas, if your property generates more power than you use, you can sell it back to your nominated power company via “feed in tariffs” which then appear as credits on your usual power bill.
Obligation Free Advice
OTI Power are your solar electricity partners and we pride ourselves on the relationships we have with our customers so we’re always happy to do a site appraisal and talk to you about how solar works and possible options for your property.
Contact us today to find out how much you stand to save with a solar system at your house.
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